Uso Happyaku (嘘八百 - A Lot of Lies)

Oct 11, 2017 13:30
Have you ever been surrounded by a lot of lies?

Such a situation where as if everything is lie is called "uso happyaku" (嘘八百) in Japan.

Here "uso" (嘘) means "lie," and "happyaku" (八百) means "eight hundred."

In Japan, eight hundred is a number that represents that the number of things is huge.

It is said that this comes from the fact that the number 'eight' has been used for saying an enormous number in Buddhism.

Incidentally, "uso happyaku" can also means "a complete lie," in addition to "a lot of lies."



ここで「嘘」は "lie," 「八百」は "eight hundred" を意味します。



No. 1 Brian B's correction
  • Uso Happyaku (嘘八百 - A Lot of Lies)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Have you ever been surrounded by a lot of lies?
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Such a situation where as if everything is lie is called "uso happyaku" (嘘八百) in Japan.
  • Such a situation where it seems that everything is a lie is called "uso happyaku" (嘘八百) in Japanese.
     Based on your native language version.
    日本語=”Japanese", 日本 = "Japan"
  • Here "uso" (嘘) means "lie," and "happyaku" (八百) means "eight hundred."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In Japan, eight hundred is a number that represents that the number of things is huge.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is said that this comes from the fact that the number 'eight' has been used for saying an enormous number in Buddhism.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, "uso happyaku" can also means "a complete lie," in addition to "a lot of lies."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Great English!
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)